Monday, April 27, 2009

Sir Ken Robinson Video Lecture

After viewing the Sir Ken Robinson video "Do Schools Kill Creativity", I felt relieved and inspired that I am not the only one who thinks that the hierarchy of education is a little messed up (in terms of the order of things). Robinson noted that in most areas of the world, subjects such as Math and English are at the forefront of subject areas that are deemed "educationally important". In one part of his lecture, Robinson recalled a famous dancer/choreographer he once met. By telling this story, he made a demonstration of how intelligence can be seen as "moving to think".

Robinson also addressed the fact that "kids will take a chance - because they are not frightened to be wrong". He announced that "It is the adults who are frightened of being wrong". He also let on that he felt like the purpose of education was to "produce university professors". This previous example helped to illustrate his points on academic inflation.

In the final minutes of the lecture, Sir Robinson summed all of his words and feelings up when he stated, "We need to rethink the fundamental principles in which we educate our children". He ended his brilliant lecture with, "See creativity for what it is...See children for who they are". My reaction to this lecture, as I have said before, is one of inspiration and relief - for I have felt the way he does about education for many years. All this time, I thought I was alone......

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